KL Life Savers – Thank You!
Many thanks to our KL Life Savers! KL employees and friends donated 25 pints of blood yesterday at our blood drive. That’s enough to potentially save 75 lives!
Many thanks to our KL Life Savers! KL employees and friends donated 25 pints of blood yesterday at our blood drive. That’s enough to potentially save 75 lives!
Join us in the fight to eliminate hunger! Tomorrow is the NCB 15 Share Your Holidays Phone-A-Thon, where donations are doubled or even tripled! Get the most food bang for your buck by making a pledge on Wednesday, 12/5! For more details visit (scroll to bottom of page): http://ow.ly/axLZ30mRu9C
We celebrate Brad Halvensleben, PE on his 20 year anniversary at KL Engineering! He is currently the Consultant Project Manager of the IH 39/90 Central Segment of the WisDOT Mega Project in Rock County, Wisconsin. Brad has 23 years experience in transportation design and works in our Madison office. Congratulations, Brad!
Scott Cramer, KL’s COO, encouraged leaders to ask questions and share your passion on a recent podcast about finding meaning in your work. Ask staff ‘How did you come up with that?’ or ‘Where did you learn that?’ It gives you a chance to see what is involved in their critical reasoning and research process.
Many of us are fortunate to have the money we need to feed our families. But what if we didn’t?!? What would you do? Second Harvest Foodbank is there to help – but they need our help so they can serve others in need. Donate today through the KL Engineering virtual food drive (credit card only): https://2018-nbc15-share-your-holidays.everydayhero.com/us/kl-engineering @SecondHarvestFoodbankofSouthernWisconsin
Congratulations to Kevin Wehner on his Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) certification! To achieve this designation, one must show a powerful demonstration of requisite knowledge, skill, and ability in the specialized application of traffic operations engineering. Kevin has been a traffic engineer with our firm since 2015 and works in our Madison, Wisconsin headquarters.
Kevin Wehner, PE – Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) Certification Read More »
Here’s another pearl of insight that Scott Cramer, KL Engineering’s COO, shared on a recent podcast about finding a mutually meaningful work engagement. The more time you can spend doing something you’re passionate about, the more your days are fuller. Having a busy day means being occupied, but having a full day means contributing to
Give thanks for the abundance in your life! As you shop for your Thanksgiving feast ingredients this year, we hope you will consider making a donation to the Second Harvest Foodbank. Donations can be made at participating grocery stores (cash/check/card) or through the KL Engineering virtual food drive (credit card only): https://2018-nbc15-share-your-holidays.everydayhero.com/us/kl-engineering @SecondHarvestFoodbankofSouthernWisconsin THANK YOU!
We extend our gratitude to Naviant, Inc. for donating 15 meals for every photo posted today as part of the #SYH23 NBC 15 Share Your Holidays to eliminate hunger campaign. We hope you enjoy our holiday sweaters! You can donate to KL Engineering’s virtual food drive by using this link: https://2018-nbc15-share-your-holidays.everydayhero.com/us/kl-engineering THANK YOU!
One thing that I’ve come to embrace is the idea of failing, says Scott Cramer, KL’s COO on a recent podcast. There’s a huge difference between failure and failing. Failure is abject, it’s done, there’s no looking back. And failing is learning. That’s something that I try to offer to our employees. Failing is ok.
KL Engineering is raising money this holiday season with the 23rd NBC 15 Share Your Holidays to eliminate hunger campaign. We hope you will join us! Food banks can turn every dollar into three meals! And 94% of every dollar goes directly toward buying food. Help put food in the mouths of those in need through
Scott Cramer, KL Engineering’s COO, spoke about meaningful work and leadership development in the work place on a recent podcast. We’re all looking for meaningful work – knowing that our contributions each day add value to someone else’s life and to the general public. As an employer, we strive to provide an atmosphere that allows