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Caring & Sharing

Caring & Sharing

Scott Cramer, KL’s COO, encouraged leaders to ask questions and share your passion on a recent podcast about finding meaning in your work. Ask staff ‘How did you come up with that?’ or ‘Where did you learn that?’ It gives you a chance to see what is involved in their critical reasoning and research process. This provides insight into people’s personalities and opportunities for development. Asking staff ‘How can I help?’ builds trust, cooperation, and teamwork.

He reminded us that we’re all good at something – and it’s our obligation to share that with others… especially with young people. If you bring your passion to everything you do, you’ll find yourself having full days… instead of just busy ones.

Many thanks to Bruce Holoubek, President of Contracted Leadership, for hosting this 10/30/18 pod cast as part of his #TheDevelopmentExponent series. To learn more visit: https://contractedleadership.com/meaningful-work-matters-for-you-and-for-your-team-with-scott-cramer-ep-5/

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

Parks, Trails & Recreation Projects