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Graphic with 'Don't waste food' spelled out with photos of fruit forming the letters on green back ground with orange at the bottom and 'Think before your throw out!' message with KL logo.

Stop Food Waste

Tomorrow is National Stop Food Waste Day. According to the DNR, “Approximately 854,000 tons of food waste and scraps were sent to the state’s landfills in 2020.” That’s nearly 300 pounds per person living in Wisconsin. There are a few things you can do to help combat the carbon emissions that come from food waste!

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Graphic of KL employee Scott DeMeuse and his daughter and dog out on a walk. 'Make it a family affair!' text and American Heart Association logo.

Healthy Habits

Every step counts! A simple walk can kick-start healthy habits, leading to a longer, healthier life. Regular physical activity boosts your mood, gives you energy, and improves your quality of sleep. Who couldn’t use more of those in their lives! Build activity into your schedule and lifestyle so it doesn’t feel like a chore. Get

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Graphic that says "Happy Earth Day! Here are some things we do to reduce, reuse, recycle at KL Engineering" with drawings of a sink with auto shut off faucet, lightbulb with auto shut off and LED text, reusable water bottle with mention of water refill station, and pail of food scraps with recycling and composting program text.

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day originated in Wisconsin in 1970 and is now celebrated by more than a billion people worldwide. Small things you do can have a big impact on our planet.  “We often spend 40+ hours a week at work. When we create a company culture where sustainability is encouraged, having sustainable practices outside of work

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Photo of 'Use Caution' sign in a work zone with 'Stay Alert. Save A Life!' text in black on an orange box, KL logo, and #NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek #NWZAW text at top.

Pay Attention In Work Zones

Today is the last day of #NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek. When asking KL Director of Construction Services, Chris Ehlert, about what he wishes folks in the community understood about his experience in work zones, he had this to say: “From technology, to increased efficiencies, to better materials, to increasing environmental sensitivity…there’s been so many advancements to be proud

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Photo of 7 KL employees before a lunchtime walk. 'Take a stroll with coworkers to boost your energy & mood' text and American Heart Association logo.

Stay Motivated!

Stay motivated! When you make time for physical activity, you are benefiting your mind, body, and heart. Aim to get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, spread throughout the week. Find a walking buddy and consider joining the KL Engineering team for the American Heart Association Heart Walk on September 14.

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Graphic of walking shoes on a person in motion with American Heart Association logo at the top and National Walking Day at the bottom.

National Walking Day

Tomorrow, April 3rd, is National Walking Day and groups of people from our KL offices will be joining others nationwide in the American Heart Association’s #NationalWalkingDay by taking a 15-minute stroll around the neighborhood. Getting into this healthy habit will help you #MoveMore. It’s good for your heart and your soul. Won’t you join us?

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