KL Engineering Logo

Author name: Erin Starks

Photo of Suzy Schleeper, PE, with KL logo, Welcome text, and star design on orange background.

Welcome Suzy Schleeper!

We are very excited to welcome Suzy Schleeper to KL Engineering! Suzy joins us as a full-time Technical Leader on our Infrastructure Services team in our Madison office. Suzy is a UW-Madison alum with her civil engineering degree and brings broad and diverse experience, holding Senior Design Engineer, Project Manager, and Project Engineer roles previously. […]

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Slideshow of graphics encouraging readers to 'Join Our Team', listing the openings mentioned in the post text, and showing different elements representing the 'KL Culture: Elevate Your Experience'. Show ends with KL logo and encourgement to apply online.

Join the KL Culture

ALERT: EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES AHEAD! HEADS-UP! KL Engineering is on the lookout for passionate and talented engineers to join our growing team in our Madison, Green Bay, Menomonie, and Germantown offices! We have three new openings for humans who thrive on challenges and want to positively impact communities! Civil Engineer – Traffic Engineering Civil Engineer –

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Graphic with 3 photos - an aerial of the interchange area before the project on top, an aerial of the finished interchange in the middle, and a photo of 6 members of the design team on the bottom, standing in the pedestrian section of the finished interchange.

Intentional Communication

Great communication through design and construction doesn’t just happen, it requires intentionality. An open line of proactive communication that was maintained throughout the Wisconsin Department of Transportation WIS 26 Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) project in the City of Janesville and ultimately helped this complex project stay on track. KL Engineering’s Project Manager, Brad Halvensleben reflects,

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Photo of the finished intersection on top and an overview rendering of the project color coded with the type of lighting designed for each segment of the project, along with 4 award ribbons labeled with the 4 awards mentioned in the post.

WIS 26 Lighting Systems

The WIS 26 Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) project included design of multiple lighting systems operated by WisDOT and the City of Janesville. Unique design requirements included integration with I-39 interchange system lighting, shared electrical services with ITS, DDI lighting, and illumination for a 200-ft wide underpass area. KL’s Jake Joyal and Mike Scarmon led the

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