Congratulations, Fatima Essaidi!
Fatima Essaidi is now officially certified as an Engineer In Training! One step closer to becoming a Professional Engineer (PE) — Congrats!
Fatima Essaidi is now officially certified as an Engineer In Training! One step closer to becoming a Professional Engineer (PE) — Congrats!
We are excited to welcome Elizabeth Gallagher to our KL Family! She recently graduated from the Civil & Environmental Engineering program at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She joins our Germantown office as an Engineer I. Her work at KL will focus on design and construction of PTR projects.
Congratulations to Chris Ehlert on his promotion to Director of Construction Services at KL Engineering! Chris will lead the firm’s construction management team, working with each office on business development, operations, and project delivery. He joins Aaron Steger and Mike Scarmon, who are our Directors of Infrastructure Services.
Congratulations to Jim Dzienkowski, Jesse Schreiner, and Dave Tollefson on their promotions to Senior Leaders at KL Engineering, and to Tony Steinert and Jon Blomquist on their promotions to Technical Leaders at KL!
We are pleased to announce that Matt Regnier is registered with the State of Minnesota as a Professional Engineer.
We celebrate Mary Greuel on her 25-year anniversary at KL Engineering! She has been a key resource in providing quality reviews on all things traffic. Mary is passionate about producing quality plans that meet the unique needs of each client and ethically address the issues involved. Congratulations on this milestone!
Eric Andritsch joins our Infrastructure Services team today as a Senior Engineer I in our Germantown office! A UW-Platteville graduate, he brings 10 years of experience in the design of roadways, structures, and multi-use trails. Eric is a certified drone pilot and well versed in public involvement outreach. Welcome to the KL Family, Eric!
Thanks for helping us celebrate our 30th Anniversary on social media this year. We’ll leave you alone now! 😉 #ABetterExperience #Celebrating30Years
KL’s softball team is a great way to get together outside of work in a different environment. It’s not that we’re amazing players. We just like to be together and have a great time! #ABetterExperience #Celebrating30Years
We celebrate Paula Lindquist on her 30-year anniversary at KL Engineering! Paula was KL’s first employee and now serves as our Administrative Project Leader in the Operations department of our Madison headquarters. Paula loves the people and opportunities at KL, as she says: I am grateful for the opportunity I was given many years ago,
Our KL Family just loves the great outdoors! Here are some shots from our kayaking adventures over the years. #FridayFun #ABetterExperience #Celebrating30Years
Lori Green joined our Administrative team this week. She will be focused on providing support to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), essentially helping DBE certified small businesses achieve federal DBE program compliance. Welcome to the KL Family, Lori!