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Greenfield Bike & Pedestrian Plan


City of Greenfield | Jeff Katz, City Engineer


Greenfield, Wisconsin


February 2020 – September 2020

KL Contact

Samantha Herheim, PE

Project Details

  • Documentation of Existing Facilities & Policies
  • Overview of State & National Standards for Bike / Ped Facilities
  • Summarization of Bike / Ped Facility Benefits to Help Secure Local Funding in the Future
  • Concept Planning for Future Connections
  • Proposed “Next Steps” to Help Assure Implementation of the Plan Recommendations
  • Recommendations for Future Funding Sources

Tight Timeline for Plan Completion

KL Engineering worked in partnership with the City of Greenfield, WI to provide an update to their 2008 Bike & Pedestrian Plan. The City Engineer and Parks Director had a renewed interest in developing these community-wide facilities and updating this document was critical to building this network.

Although urban, Greenfield sidewalks in residential neighborhoods are not standard. Therefore, the report focused largely on adding bicycle and pedestrian connections within off-road corridors, near schools, retail centers, large employment areas, and other community attractions.

The City had a tight timeline for the document completion (February – April to draft) and a limited budget.

KL Engineering collaborated with the City for tasks associated with creating the new document. The City completed the GIS work, provided information regarding existing policies, and led the public presentation of the report. KL Engineering created the report itself with the analysis of the existing facilities, proposed new policies and standards, and direction for “next steps” to ensure the document would be used in the future in annual transportation planning.

“I highly recommend KL Engineering for providing high-quality consulting services. Their responsiveness, collaborative approach, and attention to detail make them stand out from other consultants. We reached out to KL Engineering because we knew of their reputation for having the staff and resources necessary to make our project a reality. Their comprehensive trail experience including planning, grant writing, design, and construction has led to success in securing the partnerships and funds needed for the Powerline Trail.”

– Jeff Katz | Greenfield City Engineer

Greenfield Bike & Pedestrian Plan [Photos]