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North Fish Hatchery Road (CTH D) Multi-Modal Improvements


City of Fitchburg


Fitchburg, Wisconsin | Dane County


USH 12/18 Beltline to Brendan Avenue (1.9 miles)


April 2020 – November 2021

KL Contact

Samantha Herheim, PE

Project Details

  • Conversion of 1 mile of Sidewalk to Path
  • Bridge over Nine Springs Creek
  • Curb Ramp Upgrades
  • Crosswalk Pavement Marking Improvements
  • Pedestrian Actuated Signals

Conversion of one mile of Sidewalk

The City of Fitchburg, WI hired KL Engineering to design and oversee the construction of their Fish Hatchery Road project. This generational reconstruction of the Gateway to Fitchburg incorporated many multi-modal improvements, including the conversion of one mile of sidewalk to a shared-use path. A new bridge over Nine Springs Creek provides path users with a separate structure from vehicles and an attractive view of Nine Springs Golf Course.

ADA curb ramp upgrades and crosswalk pavement marking improvements were made at intersections and pedestrian-actuated signals are included at signalized intersections. Roadway lighting was relocated to the terrace to provide better illumination of the path area. The path connects the Capital City Trail, commercial, residential, and recreational areas, and will connect to the Cannonball Path in the future.

  • 2022 Project of the Year Award Winner – American Public Works Association (APWA) Wisconsin Chapter
  • 2022 Engineering Achievement Award Winner – American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Wisconsin Chapter
  • 2023 Engineering Excellence Best of State Award Winner – American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Wisconsin
  • 2023 Engineering Excellence National Recognition Award – American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)

North Fish Hatchery Road (CTH D) Multi-Modal Improvements [Photos]