KL Engineering completed site planning and stormwater management for the Dunn Property, North Stoner Prairie Neighborhood, along Seminole Highway in Fitchburg, WI. Subzero Parkway, a newly constructed roadway, divides the Dunn Property into two lots. A comprehensive development plan (CDP) established the framework for the 95‐acre project area. An amendment to the CDP was prepared, seeking approval of a 2-lot certified survey map (CSM). The CDP amendment discussed differences in the proposed development with the approved CDP and addressed City staff concerns.
The CDP was approved by the City Common Council and allowed for the CSM to be recorded. A mapped environmental corridor exists on the central portion northern lot. The location of the environmental corridor hindered the development of this lot. As a condition of the CSM approval, a stormwater management plan was developed to relocate the low area to an outlet. This change was approved by the county regional zoning commission.