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Tradewinds Package Delivery Lot

National Roundabout Week - Day 1


Type:Site Development
Client:Newcomb Construction
KL’s Role:Prime Consultant
Location:Dane County, Wisconsin
Limits:2.3 acres
Design Complete:April 2020
Construction Complete:June 2020
Construction Cost:$475,000

Engineering Elements

  • Expedited Design & Construction Schedule
  • City of Madison Site & Zoning Permitting
  • Stormwater Management Facility Design
  • Site Design Plan & Specification Preparation
  • Surveying & Construction Stakeout
  • Landscape Design

KL Engineering completed the site design, landscape design, and erosion control and stormwater management permitting for the Tradewinds Package Delivery Lot in the City of Madison. The project included construction of an auxiliary parking lot facility on 2.3 acres.


Parking Lot & Stormwater Management Requirements

The parking facility includes 50 parking stalls, 31 box truck stalls, and 5 trailer truck stalls. No building or other structures were constructed as part of this project. The proposed stormwater treatment devices that will treat the paved surfaces for the parking lot and driveways include vegetative bioswales and dry bottom detention basins.


Project Challenges

KL Engineering addressed several challenges on the project, as follows:

  • Expedition of the design and permitting through City of Madison channels was necessary to meet deadlines required by the user to occupy the parking lot.
  • Permitting was accomplished to meet the timeline demands and was done in the midst of challenging coordination environment created by COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Coordination with City of Madison Zoning Department helped avoid the need for a conditional use approval.
  • Development of an efficient site plan, utilizing a green strip in the center of the parking lot to collect drainage and provide stormwater treatment, which minimized the land required for the parking facility and the need for storm sewers.
  • Working closely with the contractor during construction was required to modify the grades, to limit import of materials, and in turn saving money for the owner.

The project met the required construction timeline. The project was designed between January and April 2020. Construction was completed in June 2020.


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Parks, Trails & Recreation Projects