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Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene Parking Lots


Wisconsin Division of Facilities Development (DFD)


Dane County, Wisconsin


Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene (WSLH) & Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP)


December 2020



KL Contact

Bill Biesmann, PE

Project Details

  • Survey
  • Site Design
  • Parking Area Design
  • DFD Policy & Procedure Standards
  • Accessibility Improvements
  • Lighting Design
  • Drainage Design
  • Utility Coordination
  • Wisconsin Division of Facilities Development (DFD)

Pavement Upgrades Made with Minimal Disruption

KL Engineering has completed the design and construction oversight of the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) parking lots and entrance roadways to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP) building in the City of Madison. Existing pavement in these areas was replaced. The design also included retrofitting existing exterior lighting to LED throughout both the WSLH and DATCP building sites, as well as along the access roadways.

Pavement replacement addressed existing deteriorated pavement areas and site lighting upgrades provided energy savings, which adheres to statewide initiatives for all state building facilities. Concrete curb that was in good condition was left in place. Spot replacement of concrete curb and sidewalk at the entrance was completed. A drainage issue at the northwest corner of the parking was corrected by adjust existing grades.

Staging plans were developed to allow the parking lot pavement and loading dock for the WSLH building to be replaced with minimal disruption to the users of the building. The WSLH is a critical state facility for performing laboratory testing, including COVID-19.

KL Engineering completed all aspects of the project including survey, engineering design, lighting design, and construction oversight.

Construction Cost: $650,000

Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene Parking Lots [Photos]