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IH 39 Central Segment


WisDOT Southwest Region & City of Janesville


Janesville, Wisconsin


CTH O to the Rock / Dane County Line (13 miles) in Wisconsin


November 2011 – November 2017

KL Contact

Brad Halvensleben, PE

Project Details

  • Rural Interstate / Urban / Intersection Roadway Design
  • Multi-Modal Accommodations
  • Bridges & Retaining Wall Design
  • Drainage Improvements
  • Roundabout Design
  • Utility Coordination
  • Public Involvement
  • Traffic Control & Construction Staging
  • Traffic Signal & Lighting Design
  • Local Infrastructure Improvements

Central Segment of a WisDOT Mega Project

KL Engineering was the prime engineering consultant for the design of 13 miles of IH 39 from County Highway O to the Rock / Dane County line in Wisconsin. The interstate was completely reconstructed and expanded to eight lanes from County O to STH 26 and six lanes from STH 26 to the Rock / Dane County line.

Key features of the improvements included urban multi-lane roundabouts, local roadway improvements, over thirty bridges, retaining walls, noise barriers, complex construction staging, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, and two park and ride lots. Complex drainage design included water quality analysis, storm sewer design, and TMDLs. KL designed the sanitary sewer and water main adjustments related to local infrastructure improvements too.

Lighting design for roundabouts, urban roadways, freeways, bridges, park and ride lots, and traffic analysis, traffic signals, adaptive signal control system design were included in this effort.

Coordination with railroads, real estate acquisition, and public involvement were key elements that supported the roadway design.

2020 WisDOT Excellence in Highway Design Award Finalist – Best Urban Project (CTH O-USH 14)

2019 WisDOT Excellence in Highway Design Award Winner – Best Structure (Rock River)

2014 WisDOT Excellence in Highway Design Award Finalist – Best Urban Project (STH 11 / Racine Street)

IH 39 Central Segment [Photos]