The Main Street corridor in Sun Prairie, WI spans the City’s central business district, the commercial district to the west, and a transitional segment leaving town to the east. The City engaged KL Engineering to conduct a series of traffic studies including one that was a comprehensive assessment of traffic operations and safety between O’Keeffe Avenue and Grove Street.
Recommendations for programmatic and spot treatments were developed to address safety and operations challenges that were identified and documented in the study. Subsequent studies were also completed as follow-ups to the original corridor-wide study. One follow-up study recommended the installation of a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) and a raised pedestrian refuge median that KL Engineering subsequently delivered plans for construction. The improved mid-block crossing will promote safety in a location where a lack of safe and legal pedestrian crossings created treacherous conditions for pedestrians attempting to cross the busy 5-lane undivided section of Main Street.