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Urban Rehabilitation- South Business Drive, Sheboygan

Urban Rehabilitation- South Business Drive, Sheboygan

As prime consultant for WisDOT Northeast Region, KL Engineering completed the redesign of STH 28 (South Business Drive) in the City of Sheboygan.

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The project included reconstructing the westbound lanes for approximately one-third of a mile, and overlaying the remaining 1.2 miles of the project; adding raised medium and turn lanes; traffic signals and decorative street lighting design; street-scaping; environmental documentation; coordination with the City of Sheboygan; and traffic control staging.

Design challenges included access coordination with businesses along the project, utility coordination for relocation of high voltage transmission lines and avoidance of underground gas facilities, and meeting the expedited 9-month design schedule. This $1.8 million project was constructed in 2002.

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