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Quilt Block Wind Maintenance Facility

Type:Site Development
Client:MBA Construction
KL’s Role:Prime Consultant
Location:Lafayette County, Wisconsin
Design Complete:June 2017
Construction Complete:December 2017
Construction Cost:NA

Engineering Elements

  • Erosion Control & Stormwater Permitting – including Preparation of a SWAPPP
  • Coordination with State & Local Officials
  • Site Design & Specification Plan Preparation
  • Surveying & Construction Stakeout

KL Engineering completed the site design and survey for development of a maintenance facility that services the Quilt Block Wind site in the Darlington Industrial Park. The site was undeveloped with significant topographic relief.


Project Challenges

Project challenges included:

  • Determining the floor elevation of the building to minimize and balance excavation
  • Locating and designing functional driveways for passenger and maintenance vehicles
  • Development of a parking lot layout that met the facility needs
  • Minimizing ground disturbance and developing a drainage plan that met the stormwater requirements for the site


Project Tasks

KL Engineering performed the following tasks:

  • Topographical and utility survey of the proposed site including staking of the building corners and specific site details for construction.
  • Preparation of a site plan for a vehicle maintenance building, parking lots, loading dock and driveway connections
  • Design tasks included grading, drainage, stormwater control and erosion control plans
  • Preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the site adhering to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) requirements
  • Completion of a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) for the site according to State of Wisconsin requirements
  • Coordination of soil boring operations and implemented recommendations of the geotechnical report
  • Coordination with the City of Darlington for completion and approval of the site plan and permits
  • Coordination with the owner in Colorado and prime contractor in Texas were important to the success of the project, which was completed on compressed schedule

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

Parks, Trails & Recreation Projects