KL Engineering completed the site design and survey for the development of a maintenance facility that services the Quilt Block Wind site in the Darlington Industrial Park. The site was undeveloped with significant topographic relief.
Project challenges included:
- Determining the floor elevation of the building to balance excavation.
- Locating and designing functional driveways for passenger and maintenance vehicles.
- Development of a parking lot layout that met the facility’s needs.
KL Engineering performed the following tasks:
- Design tasks included grading, drainage, stormwater control, and erosion control plans.
- Preparation of a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) for the site adhering to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requirements.
- Completion of a spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) for the site according to State of Wisconsin requirements.
- Coordination with the owner in Colorado and the prime contractor in Texas was important to the success of the project, which was completed on a compressed schedule.