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Lower Yahara River Trail Phase 2 Breaks Ground

Top photo of KL staff mentioned in post with Alex DeSmidt from Dane County Parks in the center. Bottom photo of the key players who attended the ceremony. Both photos taken in front of the Lower Yahara River Trail Phase 2 Coming Soon sign that explains the project.

KL Engineering worked with Dane County to design Phase 2 of the Lower Yahara River Trail and Fish Camp Accessibility Improvements. The projects broke ground last week and will be completed by Fall 2024. KL’s Samantha Herheim, Jesse Schreiner, Aaron Passow, and Brian St. Vincent attended the ceremony.

The projects include a path connecting Fish Camp County Park and Lake Kegonsa State Park, with 4000-feet of boardwalk over the Door Creek Wetlands Wildlife area. A trailhead, accessible kayak launch areas, and an accessible fishing pier are just a few of the new features included in the design.

Check out this great video Dane County has about the project on their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOti55BrCnw

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