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Elroy-Sparta State Trail Reopening Ceremony

Elroy-Sparta State Trail Reopening Ceremony

KL’s Karen Richardson and Bill Biesmann attended the Elroy-Sparta State Trail Reopening Ceremony on Saturday, May 14th. This historic trail was one of the first rail-to-trail projects in the US. It has been closed since the summer floods of 2018. KL Engineering evaluated 49 structures to identify damage and prioritize repairs. Two bridges and three culverts were replaced, along with landslide repairs in four areas and significant stream and trail embankment restoration. The trail is 32 miles long and includes three rock tunnels and five small towns along the way. According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, it was originally built in 1971 and is visited by approximately 60,000 visitors each year. We are honored to be a part of it’s restoration and encourage you to experience it first hand!

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Graphic that says "Happy Earth Day! Here are some things we do to reduce, reuse, recycle at KL Engineering" with drawings of a sink with auto shut off faucet, lightbulb with auto shut off and LED text, reusable water bottle with mention of water refill station, and pail of food scraps with recycling and composting program text.
Photo of cookies with light blue frosting background with white KL Engineering logo over a white Top Workplaces logo with a white scalloped edge of frosting. The cookies are individually packaged and stacked in clear snap-top containers.

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Photo of Rick with KL logo, Welcome text, and star design on orange background.

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