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Wisconsin Clean Cities Expo

Photo collage of Karen on an e-bike, motorcycle, and receiving the EV charger from Guy Gryphan. Also pictured is a Tesla with hood (empty – used for storage) and doors open (which lift up instead of out) and a propane powered school bus with Wisconsin Clean Cities logo and expo title at the top in bright blue and yellow.

KL’s Karen Richardson attended a sustainable transportation conference and expo last week, where top leaders in the industry shared the latest in transportation technologies. The event was led by Wisconsin Clean Cities and co-hosted by Alliant Energy, Madison Gas & Electric, and the City of Madison. Educational sessions discuss how sustainable transportation choices can reduce emissions and improve your bottom line.

At the event, participants could drive and ride in electric, compressed natural gas, propane, and biodiesel fueled vehicles. They learned about upcoming funding opportunities for EV charging infrastructure and other initiatives that will collectively decrease our environmental footprint and improve our health. Karen won the raffle and is now the owner of a Level 2 EV charger, donated by MG&E (presented by Guy Gryphan of MG&E).

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

Parks, Trails & Recreation Projects