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Soundtrack To Success

Playful selfie photo of 3 KL employees wearing sunglasses with inflatable microphone, boom box, and old school cell phone - with Conference mixtape logo and Booth 92 with KL logo at bottom.

Heading to the Wisconsin Park & Recreation Association (WPRA) Conference? Be sure to check out our booth #92 tomorrow! We’ll be having a blast playing name that 80s tune and taking rad selfies. Can’t wait to see you there! #SoundtrackToSuccess #WPRA2024

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Photos of happy employees eating fried fish and Chris outside cooking. Graphic from ACEC WI saying 'We (heart) Engineers because Engineers Make It Happen'.

Celebrating Staff

Photos from the week showing groups of staff, a cake, and eating pizza with 'Engineers Make It Happen' sticker in green.

Celebrating Staff