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Matt Regnier, PE, PTOE – Now RSP Certified

Capturing Project Progress from the Sky

Congratulations to Matt Regnier, PE, PTOE, who is now certified as a Road Safety Professional (Level 1)! He was in the inaugural class of RSP professionals who in the performance of their work make decisions that potentially impact the safety of the traveling public.

The Transportation Professional Certification Board (TPCB) in collaboration with a wide array of transportation- and safety-related organizations in the United States and Canada announced the availability of a new Road Safety Professional (RSP) Certification in October 2018. The goals of the RSP certifications are to recognize road safety as a profession, to establish a recognized level of practice and knowledge, and to incentivize safety education. For more information, please visit their website: http://www.tpcb.org/rsp/default.asp

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