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Jacob Joyal Presents at 2018 ASCE Wisconsin Section Annual Meeting

Jacob Joyal Presents at 2018 ASCE Wisconsin Section Annual Meeting

KL’s Jacob Joyal will be presenting at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2018 Wisconsin Section Annual Meeting this Friday. His presentation, entitled WisDOT Statewide LED Retrofit Implementation Plan, will focus on several ongoing projects at WisDOT’s Bureau of Traffic Operations (BTO) aimed at modernizing and upgrading the State’s roadway lighting systems. The Department is on track toward a goal of upgrading 50% of the DOT’s 21,000 roadway lights to reduce energy use, decrease maintenance needs, and adjust requirements to allow for lower-cost options in the future.

Other ongoing BTO projects include: evaluating the benefits/costs of lighting control systems, statewide Focus on Energy rebate program, establishing new luminaire equipment specifications, and reviewing the impacts of a 4K color temperature standard. The presentation will provide more examples of how BTO is keeping pace with rapidly emerging technology of LED roadway lighting.

Jacob is one of KL’s Traffic Lighting experts and has been with the firm for over five years.

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