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Fish Hatchery Road – Project Update

Fish Hatchery Road - Project Update

Our Fish Hatchery Road project is coming along nicely in the City of Fitchburg, WI. Here is the Post Road intersection. You can see traffic on the new pavement on the east side of Fish Hatchery Road while they work on the west side. The Greenway Cross intersection will be closing on September 14th for the next stage of construction.

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Graphic that says "Happy Earth Day! Here are some things we do to reduce, reuse, recycle at KL Engineering" with drawings of a sink with auto shut off faucet, lightbulb with auto shut off and LED text, reusable water bottle with mention of water refill station, and pail of food scraps with recycling and composting program text.
Photo of cookies with light blue frosting background with white KL Engineering logo over a white Top Workplaces logo with a white scalloped edge of frosting. The cookies are individually packaged and stacked in clear snap-top containers.

Celebrating Staff

Photo of Rick with KL logo, Welcome text, and star design on orange background.

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