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Another Award Winner for KL

Another Award Winner for KL

KL Engineering was awarded the 2019 WisDOT Excellence in Highway Design Award for Best Structure by a Consultant at the 2019 ACEC Transportation Improvement Conference. The I-39/90 Rock River Bridge Project replaced the northbound and southbound I-39/90 bridges over the Rock River to meet current standards, while maintaining two lanes of traffic per direction on I-39/90 throughout the duration of the project. The staged construction maintained I-39/90 traffic, Rock River boating traffic, and minimized environmental impacts to the Rock River.

As the I-39/90 Central Segment Consultant Project Manager, KL Engineering oversaw the I-39/90 Rock River Bridges Project. Westbrook Associated Engineers and RA Smith were subconsultants on the project, responsible for bridge design and roadway design respectively.

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

Parks, Trails & Recreation Projects