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2020 ACEC Transportation Improvement Conference

2020 ACEC Transportation Improvement Conference

KL’s Brad Halvensleben, PE and Kyle Thompson, PE led a session at the 2020 ACEC Transportation Improvement Conference in Madison this week. They shared insights into the infiltration basins designed on the WisDOT IH 39/90 Mega Project in Rock County, Wisconsin.

The IH 39/90 highway corridor through the City of Janesville is being expanded from four lanes to eight lanes, with an additional two-lane access road on both sides. The infiltration basins were designed to address the increase in both peak runoff flows and runoff volumes from the increased impervious surface area, as well as to assist meeting the TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) requirements for the Rock River drainage basin. The discussion also included the future maintenance plan developed to ensure that the infiltration basins will perform as needed for long-term peak flows and runoff volume reduction and water quality goals.

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