It’s not every day that you get to paddle around Lake Monona on the clock…but earlier this month, KL surveyors Matt Lee, Justin Staudt, and Charlie Denu did just that while surveying on John Nolen Drive. We needed to capture lake bottom elevations under some of the bridges, so we rented a paddle boat to get under the bridges and perform the work. Charlie recounted, “It was a challenging to get the shots, especially with multiple boats fishing for muskies around us on the girders. We had to shimmy along the girders to stay in line with the XS locations. Nobody got snagged by a lure or fell in the water, so I would consider it a success!” Tomorrow night is the third public involvement meeting for the John Nolen Drive project to review the preferred alternative for Phase 1 of the proposed project along with the expected remaining schedule. Be sure to register attend at:
Paddle Boat Rental in Surveying Efforts
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