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National Work Zone Awareness Week

Photo collage of traffic control cones and singage from the Atwood Reconstruction Project in 2023. No workers are visible, but it is an obvious work zone. The frame reads "#NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek #NWZAW" and there is a quote from Aaron Passow that says, "Even though you might not see workers, that doesn't mean there aren't hazards and reasons to be cautious."

Spring is finally here–and you may see more orange cones on your daily commute. This week is National Work Zone Awareness Week. It is everyone’s responsibility to drive, bike, and walk safely in work zones! When driving through a work zone, you can help make sure everyone gets home by paying attention and slowing down. KL Construction Engineer Aaron Passow was asked about what he wished the community understood about his experience in work zones and he had this to say: “We want OUR office to be just as safe as you want YOUR office to be. Even though you might not see workers, that doesn’t mean there aren’t hazards and reasons to be cautious.” A leading cause of work zone crashes in Wisconsin is distracted driving. Remember: Orange Cones, No Phones!

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Graphic with photo of Brad Halvensleben and Dan Ryan holding award plaques in front of an ACEC backdrop with title of the award, ACEC and KL Engineering logos, and their names in text.

Awards and Accomplishments

Graphic with 'Don't waste food' spelled out with photos of fruit forming the letters on green back ground with orange at the bottom and 'Think before your throw out!' message with KL logo.