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Help Keep Our Workers Safe

Photo of cars speeding next to a work zone. Stats from the post in black letters on an orange background with black silhoette of Wisconsin with white lettering 'Help keep our workers safe!' and KL Engineering logo. '#NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek #NWZAW' text.

According to Gov. Tony Evers and Wisconsin Department of Transportation, a crash in a work zone happened every four hours last year! There were more than 2,100 work zone crashes in 2023. Those crashes injured more than 700 people and led to the death of nine people.

KL Construction Engineer Jesse Schreiner reminds us: “Whether you walk, bike, or drive on it, someone built it. We are in the business of working in the field and all those boots on the ground want to make it home each night to be with family and friends. This week is a great opportunity to remind ourselves to be present in the moment, whether that’s crossing a street, or behind the wheel. Be alert, pay attention, and remain present.”

Slow down. Keep your eyes on the road. Help keep our roadside workers safe! #NWZAW #NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

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