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2024 AHA Heart Walk

Photos from the AHA Heart walk showing the team in Madison and of Erin in Florida.

The KL team had a great time at the American Heart Association Madison Heart Walk was last weekend. The AHA celebrated 100 years of research and activism in June, so this walk was especially momentous for the organization. Nathan Rullman, KL’s Team Coach, rallied our office over several months to come together for this great cause. On the day of the walk, the weather was beautiful and the team spirit was high! Our team did the 1 mile option along with squats and jumping jack activities along the way. Leona (Shelby’s pup) was a trooper trying to meet and play with a bunch of other dogs along the walk. Stories were shared from survivors of heart issues who have benefitted from the AHA’s efforts. “It was powerful to hear survivors’ stories before starting our walk,” Nathan mentioned. “Overall, it was a great atmosphere and a lot of energy to go around. Hopefully we can get more people to join us next year for the walk!”

KL’s team included Arielle Lewien, PE, Natalie McCraw, Shelby Haag, Cindy Morel (not pictured), and Erin Starrett Starks, who works for us remotely from Vero Beach, Florida. Each year that we participate in this event is even better than the last. We are excited about what next year will bring and SO GRATEFUL to all who donated to this cause!

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