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Thank You Colin Boyarski!

Graphic with Colin's photos - one posing for the camera and one at work in the field, securing a traffic counting tube by the roadside - on a gray background with 'Thank you for your hard work this season' text and part of his quote from the post in white lettering.

We bid farewell to Colin Boyarski today, as he concludes his summer internship. He worked in our Menomonie office as a field technician, collecting traffic data under his supervisor, Josh Wilber. “One thing I really enjoyed about working for KL Engineering this summer has been building confidence in myself, as well as a better understanding of where places are and more efficient ways to navigate around Northwest Wisconsin” Colin said.

He is heading back to school at UW-Eau Claire to start football practice for the Blugolds, while continuing his degree in Accounting and Finance.

Thank you, Colin, for your hard work this season!

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