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Ryan Sirek – 15 Years at KL!

Graphic includes the headshot of the person who is being celebrated, along with some green accent squares and a light blue background.

Ryan Sirek celebrated 15 years of working with KL Engineering on February 1st. In his time with us, he has served on our construction services team. When asked about his time with us, Ryan said, “The last 15 years have flown by. KL is an amazing place to work, and I am looking forward to the next 15 years.” We appreciate your hard work, Ryan! Congrats on 15 years.

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Blue box design with a photo of Josh Hahn with check mark next to ‘Pass FE Exam’ and congratulatory message about his hard work paying off. NCEES logo for the entity that provides the FE exam.

Celebrating Staff

Navy background with Zach’s photo, name with EIT credentials, and congratulations statement.

Celebrating Staff

Blue box design with a photo of Ella Imhoff with check mark next to ‘Pass FE Exam’ and congratulatory message about her hard work paying off. NCEES logo for the entity that provides the FE exam.