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National CAD Day: Jenni Lauer & Scott DeMeuse

National Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Day. Photos of a CAD generated roundabout intersection. Photos of a woman and a man with their names, Jenni Lauer and Scott Demeuse. KL Engineering logo.

IT’S NATIONAL CAD DAY! Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has revolutionized design, enabling engineers, designers, and others to create and modify 2D drawings and 3D models efficiently and collaboratively since the 1960s. Today, we’re sending a high-five and a virtual confetti shower to our CAD wizards – Jenni Lauer and Scott DeMeuse! Jenni and Scott, you make miracles happen on tight schedules, and your commitment means that everyone’s deadline becomes YOUR deadline. We couldn’t be more grateful for your unwavering support and the essential role you play in KL’s success!

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