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Mike Scarmon – QRD Level 3

Photo of the roundabout project mentioned in the post with headshot of Mike Scarmon overlaid and this part of his quote: "My accomplishments as a roundabout designer wouldn't have been possible without the pioneering spirit of early adopters like WisDOT creating the opportunity."

“I’ve been designing roundabouts since 2005, a time when drivers and engineers alike were just beginning to embrace this fundamentally simple, but infinitely adaptable intersection type. My accomplishments as a roundabout designer wouldn’t have been possible without the pioneering spirit of early adopters like WisDOT creating the opportunity. I feel exceptionally fortunate to have grown my career along with this emerging practice.

Over nearly 2 decades, I’ve participated in over 100 designs throughout Wisconsin. Even more gratifying, I’ve been able to train several others to expand the practice. What I appreciate most about roundabouts is their ability to provide greater mobility, improved safety, and create a visually striking asset for communities and stakeholders. My favorite example of a roundabout is the State Highway 16 & Cass Street intersection in downtown La Crosse, Wisconsin.”

— Mike Scarmon, PE, PTOE

#RoundaboutWeek #RoadMagic #KLDesignsTheWay #SafetyFirst

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Photos of happy employees eating fried fish and Chris outside cooking. Graphic from ACEC WI saying 'We (heart) Engineers because Engineers Make It Happen'.

Celebrating Staff

Photos from the week showing groups of staff, a cake, and eating pizza with 'Engineers Make It Happen' sticker in green.

Celebrating Staff