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Dave Tollefson – 15 Years at KL!

Photo of Dave Tollefson framed by a navy background with orange scattered boxes and Happy Anniversary text.

“Trust, flexibility, and a commitment to family values, that is why I love KL; true work-life balance. When I first joined KL, my wife and I were expecting our first; we are now a family of five. I’m always grateful that my work schedule allows me to focus on my kids while they are young.” – Dave Tollefson

Congratulations on your 15th anniversary, Dave! We’re grateful to have you!

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Photos of happy employees eating fried fish and Chris outside cooking. Graphic from ACEC WI saying 'We (heart) Engineers because Engineers Make It Happen'.

Celebrating Staff

Photos from the week showing groups of staff, a cake, and eating pizza with 'Engineers Make It Happen' sticker in green.

Celebrating Staff