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2023 KL Golf Outing

Photos from the event – the group gathered on the lawn, players posed, the winning team with trophy, and other players with prizes.

We re-ignited our annual KL Golf Outing this year and it was a huge success! Brad Halvensleben, Brad Cunningham, Andrew Lobdell, and Andy Simon made up the winning team. Their heroic efforts will forever be memorialized on the inaugural trophy! They have secured bragging rights for precisely one off-season. Many thanks to Jacob Joyal and Jared Baltes for organizing this fun event and to all who joined us!


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Photos of happy employees eating fried fish and Chris outside cooking. Graphic from ACEC WI saying 'We (heart) Engineers because Engineers Make It Happen'.

Celebrating Staff

Photos from the week showing groups of staff, a cake, and eating pizza with 'Engineers Make It Happen' sticker in green.

Celebrating Staff