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Univeristy of Wisconsin – Platteville Career Fair!

One smiling woman and two smiling men wearing KL Engineering shirts and standing behind a table with the KL Engineering logo. There are two large display boards with photos of transportation projects, highways, roads, and multi-modal pathways on either side of the table.

The Fall Career & Internship/Co-Op Fair is a great place to make connections and start thinking about your future. Joshua Melby, Morgan Misner, and Aaron Passow can tell you all about why you should consider starting that future at KL Engineering. We will see you at the Velzy Commons from 3-6pm.

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

Parks, Trails & Recreation Projects