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Melby & Regnier – Back on Campus

Graphic of photo of Matt and Joshua pointing to the UW-Platteville 'M' (for Miners) on the hillside in the distance, along with a photo of them posing present day and one from their Senior Design Group back in December 2009. KL and UW-Platteville logos.

KL’s Joshua Melby and Matt Regnier were back on the UW-Platteville campus this week. In September 2005, these two fellows met when they were students in the first weeks of school. They’ve been great friends ever since. They were in the same Senior Design Group and graduated in December 2009. Matt started working for KL right out of school. Joshua chose another firm to start his career, but by August 2011, he told Matt he was looking for a change. Two months later, Joshua started #ABetterExperience at KL. The rest is history!

Joshua and Matt spoke to Dr. Kristina Fields first year class of civil and environmental engineering students yesterday. They shared about their backgrounds, time in college, internship experience, and careers since college. They also offered some tips for having a successful career fair.

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