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2024 UW-Platteville Spring Career Fair

Many thanks to Brad Halvensleben, Garrett Ruckdashel, and Eric Andritsch who connected with folks at the UW-Platteville Career Fair on 2/7 in Ullsvik Hall. Our full-time entry-level openings include a Construction Engineer (Menomonie office), Traffic Engineer (Madison preferred), and Design Engineer (any KL office). We also offer great Student Internships or Co-Op opportunities in Design or Traffic (Madison preferred).

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Blue box design with a photo of Josh Hahn with check mark next to ‘Pass FE Exam’ and congratulatory message about his hard work paying off. NCEES logo for the entity that provides the FE exam.

Celebrating Staff

Navy background with Zach’s photo, name with EIT credentials, and congratulations statement.

Celebrating Staff

Blue box design with a photo of Ella Imhoff with check mark next to ‘Pass FE Exam’ and congratulatory message about her hard work paying off. NCEES logo for the entity that provides the FE exam.