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Compact Roundabouts – New Concept for Area

Compact Roundabouts - New Concept for Area

This compact roundabout was constructed to help move traffic safely through the restricted intersection footprint and maintain efficient access for semi-trucks servicing adjacent businesses. KL’s design extended the Greenway Cross median between North Fish Hatchery Road and Bryant Road, where the roundabout allows drivers to make a U-turn movement from the frontage road – a much safer way to reach businesses in the area. The concept of a compact roundabout is new to Dane County with only a few examples in Wisconsin – another example showing how KL is leading the way to better roadways! Many thanks to ASCE Wisconsin for honoring this project with a 2022 Engineering Achievement Award and to the City of Fitchburg and Dane County for partnering with us!

“The NFHR project team was refreshingly open-minded to identifying creative solutions for unique challenges. With the roadway’s history of crashes and near misses from U-turn movements, the Greenway Crossing compact roundabout, which is one of the first in Wisconsin, has proven the right sized solution for the community.” ~Matt Regnier, PE, PTOE, RSP1

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Photos of the construction grading for the Powerline Trail path and of construction equipment assisting workers around the water for the fishing pier construction for the Fox River. Project names and community logos over lay the photos.

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