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Impressive Stats on NFHR

Impressive Stats on NFHR

The North Fish Hatchery Road reconstruction project was quite impressive in many ways. Here are just a few:

  • 115,000+ hours went into the design, coordination, and construction of the project
  • 44+ miles of electrical wire was installed – enough to run the length of the Badger State Trail
  • 32,000 square yards of concrete was used – equating to 5 UW-Madison Camp Randall football fields
  • The equivalent of 152,000 traffic control barrels were used – enough to close a traffic lane from Fitchburg to Disney World
  • Over 400 plantings and trees were installed!

And this was all within a 1.6 mile project! #Amazing

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Graphic with 'Don't waste food' spelled out with photos of fruit forming the letters on green back ground with orange at the bottom and 'Think before your throw out!' message with KL logo.
Graphic of KL employee Scott DeMeuse and his daughter and dog out on a walk. 'Make it a family affair!' text and American Heart Association logo.
Blue background with golden geometric star shapes, one with KL logo in center. Text reads 'To Our Ops Group, Thank you for everything!"

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