Type: | Parking Lot Expansion |
Client: | WisDOT Southwest Region (Madison) |
KL’s Role: | Prime Consultant |
Location: | Dane County, Wisconsin |
Limits: | Off of USH 51 (Stoughton Road) along USH 12 |
Length: | NA |
Design Complete: | February 2012 |
Construction Complete: | 2012 |
Construction Cost: | $600,000 |
Engineering Elements
- Parking Lot Expansion Design
- Feasibility Study
- Stormwater Management
- Drainage & Storm Sewer Analysis Design
- Lighting Plans
- Topographic Survey
- Utility Coordination
- Environmental Documentation, Analysis & Permitting
- Public Involvement
- Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E) Submittal
- Agency & Local Official Coordination
KL Engineering was the prime consultant for the design of the expansion of the Dutch Mill Park and Ride Lot, located off Stoughton Road (USH 51) along USH 12, in the City of Madison.
Feasibility Study
In 2008, KL conducted a study for WisDOT analyzing the future demand, feasibility of three sites, and expansion possibilities of the Dutch Mill Park and Ride Lot. The existing Dutch Mill lot (approximately 220 spaces) routinely operated at maximum capacity. Safety was also a big issue, as well as needing adequate space for multiple bus lines.
Facility Improvements
The parking lot expansion added approximately 100 parking spaces in an area west of the existing lot. It was designed to integrate with the parking lot of the adjacent businesses, while also maintaining a circulating flow of traffic separate from the adjacent businesses. LED lighting was installed throughout the existing and expanded lots to improve safety and energy efficiency. An improved fencing layout for the side of the lot along the waterway also increased safety. ADA accessible curb ramps were incorporated into the design to promote mobility between parking lots, adjacent businesses, transit loading pad, and nearby multi-use trail.
The existing bus stop loading area was improved and is now used for local (Madison Metro) buses. A new bus loading area was developed on the opposite side of the lot to accommodate regional bus routes (for Megabus, Van Galder, and Badger bus lines). The new loading area has a 2 bus capacity.
Environmental Considerations
KL Engineering provided the City of Madison and WisDOT several environmentally sustainable options, including solar energy collection panels (not implemented), rain gardens, stormwater trenches, LED lighting, no-mow landscaping, and use of recycled materials in benches and other on-site features. The rain gardens and stormwater infiltration trenches were incorporated into the design to meet stormwater requirements. Care was also taken to avoid disturbing the nearby waterway. Trees, plantings, and low maintenance grass was incorporated into the design, based City of Madison standards and WisDOT’s request for a lower level of maintenance.
Design Challenges
A major factor in this project was leaving enough parking area at the gas station / Arby’s site to meet both city and franchise requirements. KL Engineering helped redesign the commercial lot to bring it up to code and provided reference documents for the agreements between WisDOT, City of Madison, and the businesses.
KL Engineering completed all aspects of the project including plan development, drainage and storm sewer design, environmental documentation, public involvement, lighting plans, and PS&E submittal.
This project was constructed in 2012.
Construction Cost: $600,000