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KL Engineering Featured in WTS Sponsor Spotlight

KL Engineering Featured in WTS Sponsor Spotlight

KL Engineering is being featured in the WTS Wisconsin Sponsor Spotlight!

20% of KL Engineering is made up of women, including 9% of our engineers.

“I have been an active member of WTS in Wisconsin since its formation and have found great value and satisfaction in working with the transportation industry in Wisconsin to promote all types of careers for women. I have attendd the National conference and found it to be a real inspiration and motivation to see what can be accomplished by women in our industry. I encourage our members to take advantage of our local events, as well as the National and leadership events. It is great to hear how others across the country are promoting and supporting women in their careers.”

– Kim M. Lobdell, PE | President | KL Engineering, Inc.

Check out the full article on their website: http://www.wtsinternational.org/wisconsin/ 

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Graphic with 'Don't waste food' spelled out with photos of fruit forming the letters on green back ground with orange at the bottom and 'Think before your throw out!' message with KL logo.
Graphic of KL employee Scott DeMeuse and his daughter and dog out on a walk. 'Make it a family affair!' text and American Heart Association logo.
Blue background with golden geometric star shapes, one with KL logo in center. Text reads 'To Our Ops Group, Thank you for everything!"

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