KL Engineering completed the design and is oversaw the construction of this 1.5-mile reconstruction project along North Fish Hatchery Road between CTH PD and the Madison West Beltline Highway (USH 12/14) in Fitchburg, WI. This 4-lane divided roadway with an AADT of 28,000 has dense commercial and residential uses throughout much of the corridor.
The project included an urban multi-modal path along the roadway. Large block gravity retaining walls were designed along the edge of the path. Post and panel walls were required along one section where commercial buildings were located close to the path. The cast-in-place facing on this wall was designed to mimic the pattern of the other wall sections to provide continuity throughout the corridor. Decorative railings and City logos were added as additional aesthetic enhancements.
A prefabricated steel pedestrian truss was designed along a new alignment over Nine Springs Creek to improve user safety and to provide a scenic view of the adjacent golf course.