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Engineers Week 2025 – Josh Wilber

Graphic includes a photo of Josh Wilber at his drone presentation, as well as the logos for EWeek 2025 and DiscoverE. KL Logo is also included in the bottom left corner. Blue and green gradient background.

EWeek is an opportunity to share the amazing work that engineers do, especially with students in middle and high school. Earlier this month, KL’s Josh Wilber was able to connect with students at Waunakee High School’s Aviation Club, advised by retired Technology & Engineering Teacher Rob France. Josh led a presentation about his work as an FAA certified drone pilot, and how KL uses drones in different phases of a project. Josh said, “It was a great experience, and I feel like I was sparking interest for some students in drones and civil engineering.” After the presentation, Josh was able to talk with students and answer their questions. We are so happy Josh took the time to connect with some future engineers! #EngineersMakeItHappen #Eweek2025

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Photos of happy employees eating fried fish and Chris outside cooking. Graphic from ACEC WI saying 'We (heart) Engineers because Engineers Make It Happen'.

Celebrating Staff

Photos from the week showing groups of staff, a cake, and eating pizza with 'Engineers Make It Happen' sticker in green.

Celebrating Staff